Reading #1


Words originated as gestures of the body, however typefaces are manufactured images designed for repetition.

Humanism and the Body

Many typefaces we use are named for printers who worked during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, which are also known as humanist typefaces. Some including Garamond, Bembo, Palatino, and Jenson.
“Letters should reflect the ideal human body “

Enlightenment and Abstraction

The anatomy of letters was compared to the anatomy of man shown in a diagram created by designer Geofroy Troy. Little things like making a line too thin can hurt the anatomy and make it hard to look at.

Monster Font

During the time that advertising was on the uprising in the nineteenth century, a lot of experimenting started happening with typefaces.

Reform and Revolution

Apparently there was a time where messing the structure of letters was considered gross and immoral.